Need to talk?

If you’re under 18 and living in Plymouth, you can call Livewell Southwest for mental health advice and support, 24/7.

Whether you’re feeling angry, sad, frustrated, lonely, or anxious – it’s important to have some healthy ways to cope with these painful emotions. Our First Response Service can support you with these feelings and help you learn to cope with them.

Expressing your feelings and thoughts by talking with someone you trust can help. The service is staffed by mental health professionals, who’ll provide advice, support and signposting to you – you don’t have to face this alone.

You may be having a hard time at school or be being bullied. Bullying can happen anywhere – at home, online, with friends, in a group, on the bus or at school.

The First Response line is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. No matter what you’re going through you deserve help and support.

To speak with someone in our friendly team, call 0800 923 9323.