Staying Healthy and Well in the Festive Period

The festive period is a time to relax and enjoy yourself with your loved ones. However, it is also important to consider how you can stay healthy and well.

During the festive period we celebrate Christmas, New Year and Hannakuh. Lots of families enjoy spending more time together and indulging over the festive period. Here are seven tips for staying healthy and well during this time.

  1. Stay Hydrated – To be able to function well your body needs to stay hydrated. The Eatwell Guide says we should drink 6-8 glasses of fluid a day. Water is a great option as it is healthy, cheap and doesn’t harm our teeth. Other great options include low-fat milk and sugar-free drinks, including tea and coffee. Fruit juices and smoothies have lots of minerals and vitamins in them however they are high in sugar. As sugar can damage our teeth, you should aim not to drink more than 150mls of juice or smoothie a day.
  2. Five a Day – Fruit and vegetables are a good source of minerals, vitamins, and fibre. The NHS recommends that we should eat at least five fruit and vegetables a day. For a rough estimate of portion size, a portion is the amount of fruit or vegetables you can fit in your palm.
  3. Energy Drinks – Energy drinks often have high sugar and high caffeine levels, which can have negative effects on your body. The high sugar levels can cause tooth decay and weight gain. The high caffeine levels can lead to health problems such as: feeling sick, anxiety, not being able to sleep and headaches. Try to find alternatives to energy drinks, such as: exercising or staying hydrated. This article gives some more alternatives to energy drinks.
  4. Sleep – Lots of young people find getting to sleep and staying asleep a problem. It is important to maintain a sleep routine even in the holidays as this will help teach your body to sleep better. Try to avoid naps too, as these can make it harder to fall asleep in the evening. Try to avoid drinking lots of caffeine, which is found in tea, coffee, and energy drinks. Being active can also help you sleep.
  5. Eat a healthy, balanced diet – Eating a balanced diet means eating a wide variety of foods in the right proportions. It also means eating the right amount of food so that we can achieve and maintain a healthy weight. Have a look at this article, which gives tips on how to have a healthy balanced diet
  6. Teeth – Poor oral health can lead to cavities, decay and gum disease. Even through the school holidays, it is important to brush your teeth twice a day, morning and evening for 2 minutes.
  7. Staying active – Physical activity can help us to lead a healthy and happy life as it can improve our mental health, confidence, and self-esteem. Not being physically active can lead to obesity and long-term health problems such as heart conditions, type-2 diabetes and some cancers. You should try to do at least an hour of physical activity a day throughout the week. Have a look at these ways to be more active without even really trying!

Enjoy yourself and stay happy and healthy this festive period! Happy holidays!