Man leaning on fencing

Knife crime prevention

There has been a lot of coverage in the news about knife crime.

According to a recent survey by Crime Survey England and Wales, around 6.5% of 10-17 year olds said they know someone who carries a knife.

What if a person you know is carrying a knife?

  • Talk to them about the choices they have and how they can get help
  • Be ready to listen to their reason why they carry a knife
  • Tell them the knife may be used against them and could seriously hurt or kill them
  • Talk to them about the long-term impact if you feel comfortable to do so, such as the possibility of a criminal record, serious injury or death and the impact this will have on their family and friends.

However, you shouldn’t let them make you do things that are illegal or get you into trouble.

Don’t bow down to pressure from other people or friends to carry, make or hold a knife or any homemade bladed instrument.

Any friend that encourages you to carry, hold or use a knife, which has the potential to get you into serious trouble, is not a real friend.

If you are worried or have any concerns, do talk to a trusted adult, parent/carer or teacher; they can provide support for you.  It might be a difficult conversation but there is help available.

You can check how much you know about knife crime facts in our true or false test.


How to get help

If you have any more questions on this area or would like to speak to somebody about this topic, have a look at the links or search for your local services in the blue box below. Alternatively you can always contact your school nurse.

Cross Hatch

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