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5 ways to get more exercise…without really trying

Exercise comes in lots of different shapes and forms.

Here are some simple things you can do to introduce more exercise into your daily life, without having to find extra time or money.

1. Walk to school
Walking to schoolImage Credit

If you live within walking distance from school, making the journey to and from school on foot every weekday is a great way of getting more exercise into your routine.

If you’re normally driven to school, why not ask to be dropped off a bit further away, so you can get some steps in before you start the school day?

2. Always take the stairs
Stairs in schoolImage Credit

If your school is on different levels, the chances are that you have to take the stairs every day to get to your different lessons.

Think about other times you can take the stairs instead of the lift- for example when you go shopping.

3. Get moving at lunchtime
Teens playing football togetherImage Credit

After you’ve been sitting in lessons all morning, make the most of your lunch break to stretch your legs and get moving.

Head outside for a walk or grab a football for a kick about with friends; anything that gets you active during the day.

4. Make your bed every morning
BedImage Credit

It’s all too easy to jump out of bed every morning, get dressed and head downstairs, but making your bed first thing in the morning is a really easy way to get your muscles moving.

(There’s also nothing better than getting into a made bed after a long, hard day!)

5. Tackle the household chores
Vacuum cleanerImage Credit

It might not sound like a great deal of fun, but helping around the house is a fab way of getting more daily exercise.

Whether it’s running the hoover around, emptying the waste bins from every room in the home or cutting the grass, you’ll be getting active without you even realising it.

how to get help

If you have any more questions on this area or would like to speak to somebody about this topic, have a look at the links or search for your local services in the blue box below. Alternatively you can always contact your school nurse.

Cross Hatch

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Find out what services are available to you in your area. Remember your school nurse is always there to give you confidential help and support.

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