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Making the Move: Primary to Secondary
Transitioning from Year 6 to Year 7 is a really big step in your school career and can be both exciting and scary. Planning for this change can help you build confidence and independence skills.
Here are some useful tips to help you prepare:
If you are worried about how or where you will buy lunch or where the toilets are, remember you will have an introduction to the school and be shown around. They will also give you maps to help find your way around. It’s a good idea to discuss with your parents how you will get to school and practice the route over the holidays. Have a plan in place to know what to do if your bus is late or train cancelled
Make sure that if you are going home before your parents get there, that you have a house key
School uniform is important, so ensure you know what’s expected in terms of appearance. Ensure you have all the right equipment.
There will be homework! Try and plan time in the day to complete it.
You may feel nervous about starting secondary school, however, everyone is in the same boat; most children will be looking to make new friends.
Ensure you are aware of the school’s digital policy on personal devices such as tablets and smartphones.
For more information on transition see: