Teenage Spots (Acne)

Teenage spots (acne) are NOT infectious and will often disappear by mid 20’s. Spots can start at any age but are very common amongst teenagers and 95% of young people between 11-30 can be affected to some degree.

In girls they often occur around 14-17 years old and can often become worse around the time of your period. In boys often occur around 16-19 years old. Often, they can run in families-so if both parents had them the chances are that you will too. There is no evidence to suggest that poor diet, poor hygiene, or sexual activity increase the chances of getting teenage spots. Often you can get spots on the chest and back areas it does not just affect the face

Why do teenage spots happen?

Usually this is because of hormones during puberty. Acne is caused when the tiny holes in the skin (hair follicles) become blocked with an oily substance called sebum and dead skin cells, which then forms bacteria and causes a plug in the hair follicle. This can result in a white pus-filled spot, a blackhead spot, cysts or a redden lump under the skin which can be painful to touch.

Probable causes of acne:

  • Cosmetics
  • Smoking
  • Medications
  • Wearing items close to the skin which cause pressure i.e headbands/backpacks

What can I do to help?

  • DO NOT squeeze them as this can lead to scarring of the skin or even cysts
  • Try to avoid over touching the areas of skin affected
  • Regular exercise-to help boost self-esteem and mood
  • Remove make-up before bed
  • Get a good skin care routine going including cleansing, toning, and moisturising the face
  • Keep hair off the face as much as possible
  • Use fragrance free products on your skin
  • Have a bath or shower daily to remove sweat as this can irritate the skin
  • Eat a varied healthy balanced diet-including 5 portions of fruit and veg daily
  • Keep well hydrated-drink 6-8 glasses of water daily
  • Use an antibacterial wipe to clean your smartphone screen twice a week
  • Speak with your parents or carers
  • Speak with the school nurse via Drop-in at school
  • Text Chat Health in confidence and anonymously if you want to on: Staffordshire: 07520 615721, Stoke on Trent: 07520 615 723
  • Visit your local chemist – the pharmacist may advise on some products which you are able to buy
  • Visit the GP at your Dr’s surgery for further support and discuss medication
  • Visit www.nhs.uk for more information