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Assessing the health needs of young people in Nottinghamshire.
All students in Nottinghamshire in year 9 are being invited to complete a school digital health and wellbeing questionnaire.
This assesses the health needs of young people and offers early intervention, online support and the opportunity for face-to-face support where required.
Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust’s Healthy Family Teams (formerly known as school nurses) will provide an electronic link to schools and this questionnaire will be completed in a classroom setting.
The questionnaires allow all young people in year 9 to engage with us in a confidential manner. Topics include emotional health and wellbeing, low mood, anxiety, school life, home life, online safety/gaming, healthy lifestyle, body image, smoking, alcohol, body changes, relationships, grooming and child sexual exploitation.
The Healthy Family Teams will contact individual young people if there are concerns or support is needed. We also provide a personalised care plan to each student on completion of the questionnaire.
The school will not have access to the answers you provide. This is an innovative way to capture the voice of young people and meet your needs.
The questionnaire provides interactive advice with clear direction on where you can access safe and appropriate support if required.
You will also be signposted to where you can access health information on all of the topics discussed in the questionnaire.
And you can text the Healthy Family Teams via ChatHealth on 07507 329952 – we may also contact you on this platform.
The questionnaire uses ReachDeck, software that adds instant access to supportive features, including text-to-speech, translation and magnification tools.
For more details about Nottinghamshire Healthy Family Teams visit