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Check out our new podcasts – look under ‘Health Uncovered’ on your podcast store – e.g. Itunes

Our School Nurse teamĀ in Hertfordshire has been involved with recording podcasts for young people to download for free.

Just search “Health Uncovered” in any podcast app to get started.Ā  For example, on Apple devices like an iPhone, launch the iTunes app, or podcast app, or search the iTunes store if you use iTunes on your laptopĀ …Ā iTunes

If you’re not an iTunes user we recommend Stitcher …Ā Non-iTunes

Check out our topics here:

Ā·Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Sexual Health

Ā·Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Bullying

There are 8 other topics in the series to download from podcast providers

The other topics in the podcast series ‘Health Uncovered’ are:

Positive Resilience, Teenage Pregnancy, Contraception, Substance Misuse, Mental Health-Am I Normal?

Sexual Exploitation