Keeping you up to date with the school aged vaccination programme and the next vaccinations that you will be due (from year 8)

Which vaccinations am I offered and when?


Vaccinations are offered in line with the National Immunisation Schedule. Some are offered at the GP practice, some in Mass Vaccination centres and some in schools.


HCRG Care Group School Aged Immunisation Team visit all schools in Devon to deliver the following:


Year 8

  • Human Papilloma Virus Vaccination Dose 1 – The vaccination is offered to both boys and girls and is currently a 2 dose course, with the second dose given between 6 and 24 months after the first. Further information about HPV and how it protects against certain cancers and other conditions can be found at:


Year 9

  • Human Papilloma Virus Vaccination Dose 2
  • Diphtheria, Tetanus and Polio (DTP) – This is a three in one injection providing protection from all 3 diseases in one injection. Further information can be found at:
  • Meningitis ACWY (MenACWY) – Provides protection from the 4 types of meningococcal virus’ – ‘A’, ‘C’, ‘W’ and ‘Y’. Further information can be found at:
  • The DTP and MenACWY are given at the same time, one injection in each upper arm.


Parents/guardians provide consent using the electronic consent form sent home via school using email.


If consent has been provided, you will be asked to attend the vaccination session in school.


What happens on the day?

One of the team will check your name when you arrive, and ask you to wait to see the nurse. There will be an information sheet available for you to read whilst you are waiting to make sure that you know which vaccination you are having and why.

You will be asked to see a nurse for your vaccination. The nurse will check your consent form and ask you a few questions to check who you are, make sure you know which vaccination you are having, and that you are able to have the vaccination on the day. The vaccination will only be given with your consent and co-operation, and the team will support with this if you are worried about any part of the process.

If you have any questions the nurse will be able to answer them for you.


A few tips for the day:

  • Clothes – Wear a short-sleeved shirt, blouse or T-shirt for the session, to make it easy for the immunisation nurse to give the vaccine in your upper arm.
  • Food – Make sure you have something to eat and drink before school and during the school day, after you’ve had your vaccination.
  • Stay calm – Feeling nervous is normal, and it is usually the thought of the injection or not knowing how it will feel that is worse than having it. It’s really important to stay calm, and the nurse giving you the vaccination will be able to help you with this. If you are very anxious about having a vaccination, your parent can identify this on the consent form, and the team can ask you to come down first so that you don’t have long to worry and can get it done quickly.
  • Relax and count to 5 – The injection is really quick and will be over before you know it.


After the vaccination you will be asked to wait in the hall for 10 minutes so the nurses can keep an eye on you and make sure you feel well enough to return to class.

The person who completed the electronic consent will receive an email to confirm that you have received it, as well as some post-immunisation advice.

After having a vaccination, you may have some minor side effects and will be informed about these at the session. For example:

  • Often people experience redness, swelling or pain around the injection site, and may have a bit of a headache
  • Other common side effects include some bruising or itchiness at the injection site, a high temperature or feeling hot and shivery, sick and some pain in the arms and legs.

These symptoms shouldn’t last very long, and taking pain killers, such as paracetamol, can help you feel better. It’s also a good idea to have something to eat, and a drink so you stay hydrated after you’ve had a vaccination. If your symptoms last a while, or get worse, call the free NHS helpline on 111, or contact your GP.


What if I miss it?

If you are not in school on the day the vaccinations take place the team may be visiting your school again and will offer the vaccination then. Otherwise your parent/carer can contact the team and book an appointment at a community clinic for you.  Further details will be shared after the session of how to access it if needed.

The team will continue to see young people who have missed their vaccinations in years 8, 9, 10 and 11, as long as they have a valid consent.


Wherever possible we would want to immunise in the school setting, but if this would be a barrier to accessing vaccination, or if you are home educated, then please contact our team on 0300 247 0082 or to arrange vaccination.