Bullies Out: Anti-bullying week (14 – 18 November 2022)

Bullying can have long-lasting effects on your mental health. However, it doesn’t have to be this way – if we challenge it we can change it.   The theme for the week is ‘reach out’ – encouraging everyone to come together and reach out to others to stop bullying.

Anti-bullying week is 14th – 18th Nov 2022

Bullies Out Poster for Anti-Bullying Week


What is bullying?


Bullying is behaviour that hurts someone else and can happen in lots of places such as home, school, online. It can include:


  • Name calling and teasing
  • Being threatened, humiliated, constantly criticised, excluded, ignored, or intimidated
  • Rumours being spread about you
  • Receiving horrible messages, comments, or posts (this may be via text, social media, email, phone calls and can be anonymous or silent)
  • Racist, sexual, or homophobic abuse
  • Things being taken from you
  • Being physically hurt (this may be being hit, slapped, pushed, or kicked)


We all have a responsibility to help each other to reach out. Bullies Out have developed resource packs and activities to celebrate anti-bullying week. The campaign identifies that “Together, we can be the change we want to see, reflect on our own behaviour, set positive examples, and create kinder communities. We need to bring more kindness into the world and impact people in a more positive and uplifting way. Spreading a ripple of kindness begins with each and every one of us and will help make the world a better place.”


It is important for all of us to be able to recognise the different relationships in our lives so that we can reach out at times when we need to. Creating a map of the people, or organisations, around you that are, or could be, part of your support system can help to remind you of all the people you can reach out to if needed. This can include, family members, friends, someone at school, someone in a group you belong to, your school nurse, or a helpline.


You may be one of the people on your friend’s map. Would you know what you could do to help them? Are there barriers that may be stopping them reaching out for help, but you can see they are struggling? Tips on how to identify a friend may need support, how to support them and also look after yourself can be found on the mind.org.uk website.

Looking after yourself is also important. It has been proved that engaging in a self-care routine can reduce or eliminate anxiety, improve our mental health, reduce stress, improve concentration, minimise frustration and anger, increase happiness, improve energy, and lots more. Check out the self-care challenge on the Bullies Out website.

In addition to anyone you may have identified in your support map, you can also get further information and support from:

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