Should you need urgent health advice please contact your GP or call NHS 111. In an emergency please visit A&E or call 999
Did you know that all young people up to the age of 19 years old have access to a School Nurse? Do you know how a School Nurse can help and support you? Do you know how to contact a School Nurse? Well read on and we will tell you more.
School Nurses are trained nurses who have extra qualifications which help them to work with children and young people to improve their health and wellbeing.
School Nurses are here to support your physical and mental health. They can provide advice and support with a wide range of health issues such as healthy lifestyles, sexual health. School Nurses can also help with mental health issues including if you are anxious or feeling low in mood. You can speak to them about any worries or concerns you might have. Your school nurse can help you to develop the skills you need to manage challenges that you face in school, at home and in your personal life. School nurses can help you to access other services, either by making a referral for you or providing you with information.
The advice that they offer is confidential and so most of the time the conversation that you might have with a School Nurse is private. Sometimes the School Nurse might be worried that you are at risk of harm. Young People might need more help if they are at risk of hurting themselves or been harmed by others. Do not worry your School Nurse will always been honest with you and tell you if they are worried about you. Sometimes it is important to share the concerns with other people who might be able to help keep you safe including your parents or another professional.
You can contact a School Nurse via our ChatHealth text service at any time and we will reply on Monday to Friday 9am-5pm. The text can be anonymous (without giving your name) or tell us your name. Either way we will still offer you advice and support. If you want to arrange to meet with a School Nurse then you can arrange this via text too. You can chat to a School Nurse over the phone then please give us a call. Our contact details are in the picture. We can meet you in clinics, your school, your home or other places such as youth centres.
If you want to find out more information about health and wellbeing then have a look around this HealthforTeens website. Young people helped design the website so it should be just right for you.
You might also see School nurses in your school or college. We deliver a number of class room based sessions such as relationship and sex education and emotional and mental health and wellbeing.
You can watch a presentation about School Nursing by clicking here