Should you need urgent health advice please contact your GP or call NHS 111. In an emergency please visit A&E or call 999
Our service supports young people with medical needs and/or disabilities.
Young people with health problems
A lot of young people may have health problems. This might be a long term health problem like asthma, epilepsy, diabetes or a physical disability. Most of the time you might be fit and well and able to manage your health problem. You will be able to go to school regularly and take part in lessons. Sometimes you might need some extra help. The school nurse can work with you, your parents/carers and school to ensure that you have the help that you need to go to school regularly, take part in your lessons and hopefully enjoy your time in school.
You might need a care plan in school. A care plan will tell teachers about your health problem, what help you might need and what to do if you do not feel very well or you are having problems in school because of your health problem. We will only share information about your health with your teachers if we have your permission to do so. The school nurse an help write a care plan or talk to the nurse or doctor who is treating you and ask them to write a care plan.
If you would like to talk to a school nurse about your health, if you are worried about something or you think you should be having some extra support in school then you can text us on our ChatHealth number 07480 635363. You can talk confidentially* to a school nurse
*Safety notice: “We might inform someone if we were concerned about your safety but we would usually speak to you first. Your messages are stored and can be seen by other health care staff who follow the same confidentiality rules, We aim to reply to you within one working day and you should get an immediate message back to confirm we have received your text. Text will only be seen between 9am and 5pm. If you need help before you hear back from us contact your GP, nearest walk in centre or dial 111. Our text number does not receive voice calls or MMS picture messages. We support messaging from UK mobile numbers only (which does not include messages sent from landlines, international mobile numbers and some ‘number masking’ mobile apps). To prevent the health professional from sending messages to you, text STOP to our number. Messages are charged at your usual rates.”
There is information for schools about how they should work together with young people and parents/carer and health professionals to support pupils with medical needs. The school nurse also provide train for school staff about supporting young people with medical needs. Each school should have a member of staff who has attended this training.