Should you need urgent health advice please contact your GP or call NHS 111. In an emergency please visit A&E or call 999
Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust is responsible for the writing, publishing and updating of the content on this page.
Our goal is to promote independence, health, and life skills.
There are 4 options
A FREE 4-week online health skills youth group
This takes place every Thursday evening 5pm-7:30pm during term-time
It takes place over Zoom.
· Healthy eating & Cooking
· Emotional health & Wellbeing
· Fitness, Exercise & Personal Care
· Health Services & Medication
We will also cook a homemade, healthy meal together each time.
The Health Skills Mentors will cook with you.
A FREE monthly online cooking class.
This takes place every first Wednesday of the month.
It takes place over Zoom.
We will cook a homemade, healthy meal together and eat together towards the end of the session.
A FREE activity day twice a year.
This will include specific themes around health.
We will also cook a homemade, healthy meal together at lunchtime and eat together.
A FREE 6-week course for you focusing on your independence, health, and life skills.
This will be just you and your mentor spending time together in your local community.
If you find joining in online hard we can meet you in person.
We accept referrals from both the community and professionals in West Sussex.
If you would like to book a space on any of the above activities, please complete the referral form.
Send it to:
We are funded by NHS. You can find out more about Barnados here