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Emotional wellbeing and mental health support for 8 to 18 year olds in and around Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire.
We offer guidance and support for young people experiencing any degree of mental distress from low self-esteem, low confidence, stress, anxiety, depression to those with more complex and enduring mental health needs. Our support groups, wellbeing programmes and social activities are provided within communities throughout Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire.
What does Changes YP offer?
Wellness Programme – A fun, interactive course designed to help you improve your self esteem and confidence, as well as giving you the opportunity to help others. Learn ways to think and feel better, gain a healthier body image, understand anger, improve relationships, find healthier coping skills and much more.
Weekly Peer-support Groups (PSGs):
Where CYP aged between 8 and 18 – can connect with others who are ‘in the same boat’ – share self-help tips, offer each other support, and learn to apply Changes 12 steps to manage mental distress.
Different PSGs are provided for different age-groups – run by qualified staff, providing safe, friendly and structured meetings – that you can join in with whenever you need.
Recovery Focused Activities & Social Events – Changes YP organises an active and wide ranging social calendar including art workshops, music group, physical activity sessions, chill out nights, multi-sports sessions and much more! These build confidence and self-esteem in a social setting and are a great way to meet new friends.