Introducing Groupwork at CAMHS

Groupwork is work done by a group of people in collaboration.

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) Groupwork is the first line offer of treatment available to most young people who are accepted into CAMHS for support with their mental health.

Groupwork is run by a multi-disciplinary team which is sometimes called an MDT. The team is made up of various mental health professionals and support workers who will lead sessions. Groupwork sessions offer evidence-based interventions which aim to support your mental health by offering you the chance to improve confidence in social and group situations, develop new skills and coping strategies that you can then transfer into your daily life.

We know that coming to a group may seem daunting but the group leaders are professionals with lots of experience in helping you to feel welcome.


Where is Groupwork based?

Groupwork is usually based at Artemis House, Westcotes House Site, Westcotes Drive, Leicester LE3 0QU. Click here for more information on how to get to Artemis House. 


Are all the appointments there?

The majority of the groups we offer are face to face, but if you have a particular preference for a virtual group just let your CAMHS professional know. In the instance you are offered a virtual group, this will be carried out via Microsoft Teams (MST).


How many people will be in my session?

Typically, whether you attend a face-to-face group or a virtual group, there will be no more than 10 other young people.


Are there different groups?

There are two different types of sessions you may be invited to. You may be invited to the ‘Emotional Skills Group‘ or the ‘Decider Skills Group‘.

Click here for more information on the Emotional Skills Group.

Click here for more information on the Decider Skills Group.


What do you discuss in the sessions?

The sessions are focussed on learning skills and strategies which are helpful for developing self-resilience and understanding and managing overwhelming emotions.


How long will I attend the sessions for?

Before attending a group, you will be invited to a pre-engagement appointment where you will meet the Group work clinicians, learn more about the group, ask any questions you might have and set some goals for attending.

If you have been invited to the Emotional Skills Group (ESG) you will be asked to attend the sessions for 10 weeks.

If you have been invited to the Decider Skills Group (DSG) you will be asked to attend the sessions for 6 weeks.

After the group has finished, you will be invited back for an individual final feedback appointment with one of the Group work clinicians which will give you and your parent a chance to ask any further questions and make a plan going forward.


Can a parent/carer come with me?

Yes, your parents are encouraged to attend the pre-engagement and final feedback appointment with you, as well as the first group work session and another session mid-way through. You might want your parents to only be in for part of the appointment and that’s ok too.


I have been referred to CAMHS, will I be seen by Groupwork?

Not necessarily. Once CAMHS has accepted you, they will let you know what team you will speak to.


Myth Busting…..
Group work isn’t something you should feel forced into doing. Whilst being in a group doesn’t suit everyone, it is a good opportunity to meet people who are going through similar things to you. Group work can also help normalise mental health experiences that can otherwise leave you feeling isolated and different to your peers.  The aim of Group work isn’t for you to tell everyone your deepest and darkest secrets and feelings and isn’t school. We try our hardest to make sure groups feel welcoming, relaxed and informal – the only ask is that you commit to coming every week, join in as much as you feel able to in the sessions and practise the skills you’ve learnt each week outside of the group. You never know, you might just end up enjoying yourself!

Harvey was kind enough to share his experience of participating in CAMHS Group work in the video below: