Should you need urgent health advice please contact your GP or call NHS 111. In an emergency please visit A&E or call 999
Find information, help and support around the coronavirus illness.
We’ve put together a number of resources to help you if you are concerned or want to know more about the coronavairus. Take a look at the links below for more information:
Want to find out more about what the Coronavirus is? Take a look at this easy to understand guide we’ve shared.
Feeling anxious about what’s going on at the minute? We’ve shared some ideas to help you deal with Coronavirus linked anxiety.
Off school and worried about keeping up with your school work? Follow our help and advice about how to stay up to date.
Need someone to talk to? Your school nurse is still around, so why not send a text and get confidential advice and support using the ChatHealth service. Find out more and the number to text here.