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We are a voluntary programme for young first time mothers (and their partners), aged 19 years or under. Our specially trained nurses provide regular home visits, from early pregnancy up until your child is aged one or you can choose to stay until your child is aged two. FNP uses methods based on attachment theory, relationships, and self-efficacy. Your family nurse will build a trusting and supportive relationship with you and your family, they will guide you so that you will be able to adopt healthier lifestyles for yourself and your baby, provide good care for your baby and toddler, and plan your future. Your family nurse will also deliver the Healthy child Programme during this time.
Your family nurse will help you with the following:
· Your life skills
· Your health and wellbeing
· Looking after your baby
· Your baby’s development
· Safety and stability
· Connecting with your baby
· Relationships
· Family and support network
· Goals and aspirations
We hope to be able to give everyone a place on the programme, however, if the programme is full, you will be supported by other services and your midwife will help with this.
FNP visits begin before your baby is born, with weekly visits to begin with and then every two weeks. After your baby’s birth your family nurse will offer you weekly visits for the first six weeks. Your family nurse will also explore with you about the support you need and offer a personalised approach to your care in pregnancy, after the birth of your baby and throughout the time you are on the programme. You and your allocated nurse will decide what to cover in each visit and your family nurse is always available to talk through any concerns you have in-between visits.
Your family nurse can work with you up until your baby is 2 years old, however there is an option to graduate from the programme when your child is 1 years old. Your family nurse will discuss and support you with this. When you graduate from the FNP programme your nurse will ensure a sensitive and timely handover to your local health visiting team. Your nurse will make sure you are aware of the team and your allocated health visitor and will arrange a joint home visit if that is what you would like.
The FNP programme is voluntary to join. If you would like further information or just have a chat about what the programme offers, please contact the team as we are happy to talk.
Dads or partners are welcome to join in if the mum would like them to. You don’t have to be in a relationship for dads to attend.